Steak Quesadillas are a quick and flavorful dinner idea made with taco-seasoned steak strips, onions and peppers, and of course, melty Monterrey Jack cheese!...
Instant Pot Chicken Tikka Masala. A healthy, easy version of authentic Indian chicken tikka masala made quick in the pressure cooker. Not too spicy, ultra...
This summery curry is quite possibly my favorite, no matter the season! Chickpeas, zucchini, and corn swimming in a warmly spiced, creamy sauce. The cool,...
This delicious recipe features all the classic ingredients that you would expect in a Basil Pasta - lots of fresh basil leaves, Parmesan cheese, pine nuts,...
Stuffed Cabbage Casserole made with cabbage, beef, onions, rice and a chunky tomato sauce on your stovetop in just 30 minutes made crispy in a cast iron...
Bruschetta Pork Chops is an easy dinner recipe for sauteed pork chops with a buttery tomato and garlic topping swirled with a touch of balsamic vinegar...
This Italian Sausage Sheet Pan Dinner is the ultimate easy meal recipe for a quick weeknight dinner! It's bursting with delicious Italian flavours and...
Homemade Fry Bread and Navajo Tacos will forever and always be one of my favorite foods! Yes eating healthy is great and all but sometimes we need some...
Embutido is a Filipino meatloaf from ground pork. Usually steamed, covered in aluminum foil, can be frozen afterward to last for a month. Eaten cold or...
Everyone needs a meal they can cook at home that is faster to prepare than going through a drive-thru! This Slow Cooker Mexican Chicken takes less than...
These delicious Southern Salmon Croquettes are a quick and easy soul food classic done right! Nice and tender on the inside full of salmon flavor and aromatics,...
Follow these general instructions and you will get a lovely, moist bird. This technique also works with ruffed grouse, chickens and guinea hens. Serve...
This homemade spicy chili crisp recipe is easy to make, the perfect condiment for spooning over anything from vegetables to eggs, meats and more. Learn...
Our thinly breaded Chipotle Lime Tilapia is the perfect combination of sweet and spicy. It's the perfect introductory fish dish - it doesn't taste "fishy"...
One of my most loved vegetables is the eggplant, and today I chose to create yet another dish with eggplant at the centre of it! This pasta sauce combines...
Solve your weeknight dinner dilemma with this flavorful, healthy sheet pan meal. I love pork tenderloin, and I adore it even more when it's surrounded...